
Cryptwarbler is music made with a ROM circuit-bent Casio MT-240 synthesizer. With homemade patch-bay-and-switchboard controllers, basic synth samples are warbled into a mellifluous cybhorration of otherworldly tones. Each combination of ROM pins has a unique sonic effect- and also unique constraints- born from the electrical properties of different combinations. Cryptwarbler's method is to learn how to "play" a bentsound, to lean into its bizarre idiosyncracies and electro-musical qualities, and make music that explores a bentsound to its absolute limit. A unique blend of composition and improvisation, Cryptwarbler steers the teetering edge of chance as the threshold between logic levels are carefully straddled.

Cryptwarbler is currently based at the Firehouse Worcester, where they run shows and a regularly occuring circuit bending workshop. They can often be found performing live in the Northeast USA, typically in Providence, Boston, Worcester, New Haven, & New York.